Posts from the ‘Misc’ Category

Aidil Adha ’10 ala Jawa Timur

::de ayam penyet::

::tempe + tauhu goreng::

::jamur goreng::


::sambal terasi::

::sate madura::

::sate madura::

Jelly Slice (Naked Chef)


::marrie cookie crumbs+milk+jelly+strawberry+peaches::

::jelly slice::

Happy birthday to Ariff


::devil's choc cake+creamcheese frosting+edible image+fondant::



::fried noodle::




::chinese fried rice::



::mixed fruit jelly::


Wat i cooked last ramadhan 1431H

::ikan terubok masin::

::gulai lemak ayam daun kunyit::

::sayur campur telur puyuh::

::sambal petai udang::

::kroket singkong::

Once in a blue moon :P

Feel like experimenting on local dishes, last Sunday.. it’s been quite sometime since my last update on dis.. hee.. does dat mean i stop cooking at home?.. hee.. not stop, but more to seasonal cooking.. :p since Papa said dat he’s back on diet *yakah?*..  so just de basic & de simplest dish, daily..  or take-outs.. i wouldn’t want to be labeled as ‘unsupportive wife’, would i? 😛

::Kerabu Udang::

::Ayam Kurma Berkeju::

Steamed Red Kerapu Nyonya Style

::kerapu merah kukus ala nyonya::

Easy breazy Sausage-Wrapped

::sausage wrapped+chickenballs+egg&mayo+fries::

::nanisy's meal 2::

Home-made lamb chop, anyone?

::home-made lamb kebab::



Gumpaste flowers: 1st attempt

Announcement! :P

Hye there!!

cuppiwink😛 will be on break from

30th Dec 08 until 5th January 09

sorry to those, whose orders I’ve to declined.. but no worries, it’s only for a week..


cuppiwink😛 will be back with a new promotion.. yesserie… Chinese New Year promotion…

so, do wait up for cuppiwink😛 ‘s coming update!!

Till then, thank you, take care & happy new year 2009!! P